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Ogre Battle (USA)

Ogre Battle (USA)

Платформа/Platform: Sony PSX
Разработчик/Developer: Quest
Год выпуска/Release Data: 1996
Описание/Description (Eng): Lead the rebellion and lead your army to reclaim your land from the evil Zenobian Empire in this real-time strategy game. Free towns and collect items and tarot cards to increase your strength, as well as recruit allies to join you in your crusade. But when you finally win the day, will you be a benevolent leader, or an become an evil despot yourself? You must decide.
Язык/Language: Eng
Кол-во CD/Number CD: 1
Размер архива/Rar Size: 92 Mb

Просмотров: 239
Дата добавления: 11.11.2009
Категория: PSX
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