Платформа: Sony PSX Разработчик: Cyan Worlds, Inc. Год выпуска: 1995 Описание: Великолепный квест с красивой грарикой и множеством головоломок. Оригинальное описание/релиз:
You have just stumbled upon a most intriguing book, a book titled Myst.
You have no idea where it came from, who wrote it, or how old it is.
Reading through its pages provides you with only a superbly crafted
description of an island world. But it's just a book, isn't it? As
you reach the end of the book, you lay your hand on a page. Suddenly
your own world dissolves into blackness, replaced with the island world
the pages described. Now you're here, wherever here is, with no option
but to explore... Язык: Eng Кол-во CD: 1 Размер архива: 378 Мб
Просмотров: 252
Дата добавления: 10.11.2009
Категория: PSX
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