Платформа: Sony: PSX
Разработчик: Activision
Год выпуска: 1998
Игра уже интересна тем, что здесь главного героя играет Брюс Уиллис.
Игра шикарная, это безостановочный action, напоминает Contra. Графика
на очень высоком уровне, музыка великолепна.
Оригинальное описание/релиз:
APOCALYPSE is now. An evil man, who wishes to unleash chaos and plague
across the world, has summoned the harbingers of doom--the four
horsemen. That’s where Trey Kincaide comes in. Kincaide, a vicious
convict, is the only man that can stop this evil. He is played by Bruce
Willis, everyone’s favorite star of the DIE HARD movies. You’d think
this was a setup for a movie right? But it’s not; this is a PlayStation
game that will never see the big screen. Visually, APOCALYPSE is
overwhelming. The graphics are clean and crisp, and the character
models are beautifully rendered. It also features several gorgeous
cutscenes that help enhance the story. The levels, while not being
terribly difficult, are massive, and there is what seems to be an
endless array of levels to play. This game is a must for any fan of
great action movies or games.
Кол-во CD: 1
Размер архива: 227,45 Мб