Платформа: Sony PSX
Разработчик: Take 2 Interactive
Год выпуска: 2000
Оригинальное описание/релиз:
ACTION BASS is the ultimate fishing simulation. It offers everything
you could want in a fishing sim, and then some. The realistic fish
movement will baffle your mind, as the fish will put up more of a fight
than you would’ve ever imagined. ACTION BASS also has a helpful
tutorial that will give you numerous tips and tricks in order to help
you reel in a biggie. The innovative "lure cams" will amaze you, as
lure retrieval is placed on a whole new level. Perhaps one of the best
features of ACTION BASS is its atmosphere. It’ll relax you like you’re
actually on the water, with birds chirping, wind blowing, and
everything else you could want to keep you in serenity while fishing.
Analog users will need to use their analog sticks in order to be the
best fishermen possible, as even the slightest mistake could cost you
your bass.
Язык: Eng
Кол-во CD: 1
Размер архива: 63.84 Мб