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A-Train (U)

Платформа: Sony PSX
Разработчик: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Год выпуска: 1996
Оригинальное описание/релиз: All aboard! A-TRAIN for the PlayStation puts you in the engineer’s seat as you manage an entire railroad system. You decide where to build, how high to set the fares, how to handle the finances, and where the spending goes. The easy point-and-click interface gets you into the game without any confusion and puts the focus on your budding railroad empire. In true management style, not only what you do corporately affects you, but the entire city as well. The depth of this game is what you make it. Use the land to your advantage as you build tunnels and bridges to expand your rail organization; conduct your business as you see fit, helping or harming the city. Whether you’re a generous manager or a ruthless tightwad, it’s all up to you! Don’t let the A-TRAIN leave the station without you!
Язык: Eng
Кол-во CD: 1

Просмотров: 246
Дата добавления: 10.11.2009
Категория: PSX
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