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SimCity 4 "Network Addon Mod (April 2008)"

January 2008
This is the first time that the NAM Team is releasing a NAM Update, rather than a new full version. The June 2007 NAM was the first that has been made modular, so only updated components need to be replaced by this update. Please note that you need the June 2007 NAM version as a dependency for this update, otherwise some items will not work properly. Before your run off in excitement and install the new NAM version, please make sure to read the included readme first and then take action, otherwise some things might go wrong.

What's new?
Elevated (heavy) Rail puzzle pieces completely revamped, three different texture styles available, some new pieces added.
Underground Rail puzzle pieces with Ped Malls have been added.
Increased connectivity for Avenue Roundabout and Avenue Roundabout with Elevated Highway overpass puzzle piece have been added.
Smooth Avenue Curve puzzle pieces have been added.
Reworked textures for smooth Road and Rail Curves.
Raised Avenue Bridge has been added.
RHW (Rural Highway mod, released as individual plugin) is now independent of ANT tool.
NAM Controller contains RULs for updated RHW (Rural Highway mod) and SAM (Street Addon Mod) plugins (released separately).

Network Addon Mod June 2007 version

Просмотров: 202
Дата добавления: 30.05.2009
Категория: Моди/Дополнения/Add-on
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